Serious / Controversial Gaming

37 varieties of SERIOUS GAMES | Precursor to a discussion with Rafael Fajardo

37 varieties of SERIOUS GAMES |

Precursor to a discussion with Rafael Fajardo – 02-06-2008

1) What is serious about serious games?


2) From event to game? (explain your views on Serious Games as platforms supportive of – citizen journalism – mass media and message manipulation)

How will serious games affect the time-to-market of truth, distortion, crisis, warnings, advisories, significant socioeconomic shifts? Might serious games provide for a computer, Internet and games-literate population a form of early-warning radar?

If so, do you see such an adaptation of the traditional role of media as being potentially beneficial, were the use of serious games to progress towards becoming a dominant mode of information, communications and cultural dialog/discourse? What would be some of the elements of a user experience which combines the instantaneous feedback of the news blog
with the richness, multivalency* of a 2D/3D game world?

(* “having or susceptible to many applications interpretations or meanings”)

Halting State, a fiction on gaming technology

Charles Stross at Google speaking on his new book Halting State.

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