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Post-Lecture Rafael Fajardo - What I didn't know I didn't know

. With a game it is possible to

'Teach through play, learn by building the artifact to be played with.'

Console Horizon; Proprietor Discipline: games instantiate through the patterns through which the nervous system acts upon an interface, that a 'world seen as series of targets offers up within its solutions space the option of solving it through one's depressing a trigger. What is important now is that a serious game offers the potentiality to confound what we’ve come to expect from the games medium.

If by science we fielded a power locked in matter during the first ten seconds of existence, by our machine-borne ‘realities’ might we divine the events precipitating the last ten seconds of its existence?

In the observed dynamic of incremental innovation (wrought by the prestigious masters of it’s practice in one American business school,) mastery of informatics and secret frequencies determines the extent to which one can position themselves as an asset to the companies to whom the growth and future viability of the game culture is attributed. Proprietorship of code and development platforms isn’t the only front upon which advances must be sought after, but the mindshare of men and women whose collective attention and capacities for empathy are diverted by the proprietorship of cultural production, and it is this overabundance that’s making some of us sick, with leaving a decrementing remainder of us who aren’t terribly distracted by its glowing, warm, warming, glowing stimuli.

But innovation isn’t a thing to which we’re headed. It’s where we are.
It is the trophism of a nervous system probing its adjacent possible, licking up and down a wall in the dark until its tongue discovers the specificities of texture, hardness and taste describing the form of an electrical socket.

Innovation should furnish alternative potentialities, tethering itself to the implacable effect of curiosity to probe the lachrymal rhythms tracing the contours of lifeworlds where animals (other selves like ourselves) spend their days dying.

If this is true, and that consumers have been unwitting participants in the growth of a medium of expression whose real social and emotional potentialities remain largely uncharted, to what extent have the earliest video game generations provided a human testbed for experimentation with a mind- and body-altering technology?

Following action outside: in light of the United States’ Nature Conservancy study, (corroborated by separate research of Richard Louv) should we think of simulation worlds as being artifacts that only prove their true social worth, were their structure (aesthetics) and organization (simulating behaviours and ‘trophisms’ analogous to those of biota) pushed further so as to elicit an altered response in the player to the wellbeing of the lifeworld in which they themselves operate?

How might a simulation world ever obligate a human being to care for the wellbeing of his or her environment? Will simulation worlds, however well-meaning in their social and emotional foci, only ever get in the way of efforts to ensure that human beings accord their immediate environment the respect and reverence it deserves?

How much does what was just said have to do with the fact that the video game medium is one whose content is carried through by audio visual display? Could our video games remain as similarly interactive and thereby compelling if their interactivity were enacted via projection?

“given a sufficient variegation in sources from which “anecdotal” evidence is compiled, one begins to accrue something that begins to look like data.”

-a respondent whose identify remains unaccounted for,
issuing a comment on a recent Globe and Mail article.

Christ. (AKA Liquid Chris H.) and Richard Louv may be onto something along the lines of the non-potentiation through which the current generation of console games have enacted their play, through an activity-space operated upon via input.

Is there a more means more efficacious, or more deserving of our time and attention, for absorbing the outputs of a human body other than by the placement of a planet beneath its feet?


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