Assessing 2D barcodes for Smart Book functionality
Submitted on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 14:14 — Greg Van Alstyne
One option for 'automating links' in the smartbook might be to use 2D barcodes to link to the virtual version of the book, plus additional resources etc. This post assesses potential for 2D barcodes incl. prelim. SWOT analysis. (drafted and sent from my grad class) A fellow student, Keiko, might use a 2D barcode scheme, Semacode ( in her course project 2D BARCODES vs RFID vs TYPING URLs - mini-SWOT analysis In line with Adam's argument, this author says QR codes are "common but unloved": Even the newest handsets still take several seconds to process the images before connecting to the associated website. What’s easier – typing or starting a phone’s camera software, getting it to focus on a QR Code and then waiting for it to be deciphered before clicking the ‘connect’ button? Unless a URL is clumsily long, [my emphasis] it has always been the former to date. Although the codes are indeed a common sight these days – just not on some highway billboards, as the story suggests – they’re far from the finished article. The fact that using QR Codes is not a simple matter of just ‘waving’ a phone at one means that their potential will remain untapped, probably until a genuinely barrier-free technology like RFID usurps them. So it is tempting to argue that RFID should replace barcodes. However, 1D and 2D bar codes have different strengths and weaknesses from RFID, and from URL typing. What's cool and unique about RFID tags is VISIBILITY / SCAN-ABILITY DEEP LINKING homepage URLs are short & not that hard to key in from a QWERTY or multi-tap 9-key numeric pad 2D barcode references: QR codes Semacode Neomedia Neomedia technical architecture