The Ideology of Environmentalism
Submitted on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 15:42 — jcourt
Here's a synopsis of my project (it's a little more than a paragraph, sorry): This project aims to uncover the ideology (or ideologies) of environmentalism, in order to understand the scope of environmentalism’s influence on society. The first step in this exploration will be an analysis of the history of the environmental movement in North America, from its origins to today. Next will be an analysis of contemporary environmentalism, particularly the current focus on in the popular media on environmentalism and environmental issues. Key to this investigation will be an understanding of what it means to be an environmentalist, both for those who identify as such, and those who do not. This will involve identifying and making a distinction between attitudes and behaviours that are genuinely focused on sustainability and ecological responsibility (drawing from the field of pro-environmental behaviour), and attitudes and behaviours that are instead intended to simply assuage guilt, with no other positive results. By examining the ideology of environmentalism, the aim of this paper is to make the complex nature of the human relationship with (and perception of) the natural environment transparent, enabling a more thorough understanding of current practices (behaviour) and revealing opportunities, and potential for change and innovation.