SHARCNET Research Day June 6th

The prime yearly event at which SHARCNET researchers (faculty members, postdocs and graduate students) can meet and get direct input on how to put the computational power of SHARCNET to work for them through invited and contributed talks showing individual paths to success, and through the chance of talking one-on-one with programmers, systems staff and experienced users to get personal advice on methods, resources and SHARCNET special programmes.

Deadline for Registration -- Friday May 23rd
Deadline for Contributed Talks -- Friday May 16th
Deadline for Contributed Posters -- Friday May 23rd

Registration is free.
Early registrants will receive a SHARCFEST T-shirt.

We will have a lot of expertise in one room -- take advantage of it and bring a poster! Staff and experienced users will be on hand to look over your research poster and help you either get started or take your computational research to the next level. All posters are eligible for prizes of an iPod, Gift Certificate to Future Shop, USB Keys and SHARCNET caps and polo shirts.

Chris Loken, CTO SciNet, "Hardware Challenges for Canada's Largest Supercomputer"
John Dubinksi, CITA, "Visualizing the Dynamic Universe"
Andrew Fernandes, UWO, "A Bioinformatics Primer for the Modern Molecular Biologist"
Marko Horbatsch, York, "Relativistic Wave Equation for the Electron - Computational Challenges"
Roger Melko, Waterloo, "Computing the Quantum Many-Body Problem"
Gabriel Moreno-Hagelsieb, Wilfred Laurier, "From DNA to the ever growing computational needs of biology"
Sergej Vassiliev, Brock, "Nature's own nanoscale bio solar power
converters. The molecular mechanisms of light conversion in photosynthesis"


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