

BumpTop™ (developed by a joint team from McMaster University and the University of Toronto) presents the coupling of the pen with a 2.5 dimensional virtual space in which to translate between the informatic schema of the operating system and the metaphor of the desktop. It is at the present a tool, primarily conceived as an alternative to present desktop GUI. The key business opportunity is that of applying the user interaction now present in BumpTop™ to other applications and fields of opportunity.

The goal of this project is to generate creative content reflecting lateral and future possibilities for the core competency represented by BumpTop™. This involves analysis of the BumpTop™ platform, evaluation of predecessors, archetypes and basic human needs served by these core competencies, and the generation of alternate applications.

BumpTop Strategic Capital - Application Generator Maximization Strategy
BumpTop Project Document
BumpTop Opportunity Report - Phase One


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